Dmitri Plotnikov
September 2006 · Dmitri in St.Petersburg
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I did not mean to take a really long walk, but this was such a nice day that I just kept walking and taking one snapshot after another. I had Stasia's 4MP camera with me - not the most powerful tool, but good enough for capturing a good mood.
I started at the Finnish Station...
(Lenin's still standing)
... crossed the Liteiny Bridge and continued on along the Kutuzov Embankment, then the Dvirtsovaia Embankment...
 ... I crossed the Dvortsovaia Square... 
... and on to Nevsky Prospect...
Make sure you take a look at this picture. Amazingly, it was a candid! I passed by this scene and only a few seconds later did I realize that the quarelling couple in front of the glowing poster would make a terrific contrast. I came back and took a couple of shots. These two did not even notice, absorbed by their conversation.
This tourist is not going anywhere in the carriage. He just wanted his picture taken.
 Saint Petersburg is sometimes called "Northern Venice."
Some pictures taken from the Gallery of Gostinny Dvor ("Guest Yard" Market on Nevsky Prospect)
Kazan Cathedral · KutuzovAnichkov Most  Russian idea of fast food: blitzes.
Nevsky at night    
These images have sentimental value for me: the house where I grew up, the dorm where a bunch of my friends used to live, my school, old ladies playing cards in our school yard (cannot they be the same ones?); our local movie theater (now a restaurant/casino).
Sign on shop doors: "No dogs or merchandizers allowed."

Our Russian readers will be surprised to learn that in America you see similar signs everywhere, typically worded as "No pets. No solicitation."
  At the Bogoslovsky Cemetery.

The sign says: "Citizens, do not litter."

It is stuck in an old cross and surrounded by garbage.
Back home.

Construction of an underground passage at the Dulles International Airport.
 Pretty good trip overall.